

Attendance Counseling Team 360 (ACT 360)

Evolution’s Attendance Counseling Team 360 (ACT 360) is excited to be expanding into Huntingdon, PA. ACT 360 is a proven intervention/prevention program already fully operating in the neighboring Blair County by Evolution. Collaboration was extensive with Huntingdon Area School District , Huntingdon County Children’s Services, JPO, Law Enforcement and Intermediate Unit 11 who have all identified the need for this program. ACT 360 allows students who reside in Huntingdon County to access help for all students who struggle with attendance. ACT 360 is an intensive prevention/intervention counseling program that helps Huntingdon County school aged youth and their families set and meet their goals for success. This model is unique to targeting attendance issues from a 360 degree approach. The Attendance Counseling Team will be available for routine scheduled family/youth appointments, court hearings, provider meetings and school meetings. The ACT 360 program is typically involved with youth/families for around 3 to 4 months.

The funding for this program is payed for by Pennsylvania tax payer dollars.


Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT)

Multidimensional family therapy (MDFT) transforms lives through family-centered treatment for youth struggling with substance use, mental health, and other challenges. It gives parents hope and tangible help and enables youth to create a positive lifestyle. Through MDFT, youth and their family will communicate more effectively, function better day-to-day, and grow closer and stronger together. Therapists work with youth ages 10-18 and their families. MDFT is proven to reduce substance use, mental health symptoms, aggressive behavior, negative peer relationships, crime and delinquency, and out-of-home placement over 4-6 months. This evidence-based model allows therapists to work with the youth individually to improve mental health, formulate long-term goals, and improve emotional regulation. With the parents, the therapist will help to strengthen parental teamwork, improve parenting skills, and enhance parental well-being and self-care. The entire family unit will work to improve family communication and family function to strengthen family connection and love. Finally, the therapist will work with the family and youth to improve relationships with school, court, legal, workplace, and other social systems.


Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

If your child, ages 3-18, has experienced any traumatic event(s), cognitive behavioral therapy and social learning theory principles can assist with: decreasing PTSD symptoms, managing negative trauma-related emotions, academic difficulties, interpersonal trust, social competencies, behavioral problems, family conflicts, recognizing and responding to abusive situations, as well as handling anxiety and depression. Please contact Evolution or complete and submit a TF-CBT referral form to begin the healing process.


Triple P - Positive Parenting Program

What is Triple P?

Positive Parenting Program is a multi-level system of family intervention for parents/guardians of children who have or are at risk of developing behavior problems. It is a preventative oriented program which aims to promote positive, caring relationships between parents/guardians and their children, and to help parents/guardians develop effective management strategies for dealing with a variety of childhood behavioral and emotional problems.

Level 4 Triple P: is an intensive 10-session individual or 8-session group parent/guardian training program for parents/guardians of children with moderate to severe behavioral difficulties. This program model is an evidence based guided curriculum where parents/guardians work with a specially trained counselor to complete a family workbook. All materials for the program are provided when families are enrolled in services. Services are implemented in-home or at the Evolution Counseling Services LLC office upon request. Evolution Counseling Services LLC offers Standard Level 4 Triple P for ages 2-12, Level 4 Standard Teen for ages 12-16, and Level 4 Standard Group Triple P for ages 2-12, and Level 4 Teen Group Triple P for ages 12-16.