Craig Clark - BA, LSFW
Co-Owner / Executive Director
Evolution Counseling Services, LLC.
Craig graduated from Penn State University in 1990 with a BA in Administration of Justice Degree and was employed shortly thereafter as a counselor at Adelphoi Village's Hilltop Home. In 1993, Craig was asked to join FICS where he worked for 23 years. With the support of a FICS Founder Terry Shultz, Craig partnered with long time Co-Worker Jeff Colbert to start Evolution Counseling Services, LLC in Blair & Huntingdon Counties. Craig loves determining what is needed to help our youth and families and developing programming to create positive change within family systems. Delinquency Prevention (DP), Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), Juvenile Resources for Creating Employment Opportunities (JR CEO), Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT), Family Adolescent Crisis Emergency Intervention Team (FACE IT), Substance Outpatient Services (SOS), Outpatient Services (OP), Family Group Decision Making (FGDM), Attendance Counseling Team 360⁰ (ACT 360), Evolution Expressions (EE), NCTI JPO Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Groups, Victim Awareness, In School Social Workers, and an on staff Clinical Psychologist are all programs, services and specialist which Evolution Counseling Services, LLC takes great pride in offering. Craig continues to actively collaborate with the Juvenile Probation Office, Children, Youth & Family Services, Courts, Schools, as well as many other county initiatives to strengthen our community. Craig has been an active member of the Children's Round Table, Blair County Drug & Alcohol Advisory Council, Truancy Task Force Team, Youth Activities Committee, Suicide Prevention Task Force, Youth League, Integrated Family Service Plan Committee, CASSP Advisory Member, Blair County Providers Association, Provider Advisory Committee, System of Care, Attendance Task Force, Healthy Blair County Coalition and the Rural Impact Community Challenge. Craig was also appointed by the Joint State Government Commission as a Truancy Advisory Committee member to help draft new attendance legislation for the state of PA. As a member of all these important county and state wide initiatives, Craig is not only there to help others around the table, but also to identify what the community's needs are and how our programs will best serve them. Craig married his wife of 32 plus years in 1992 and started his family of three beautiful daughters. Craig currently resides on Beldin Hollow Farm in beautiful Cambria County. If he is not in the office you will find him with his family, working on the farm, fishing along a stream, or just relaxing in a tree stand enjoying the great outdoors.